For more info on Daniele's work:

Daniele Ninarello / photo: Luca Centola
Daniele Ninarello is an Italian artist active in the field of dance and performing arts, whose choreographic language is articulated through a constant research of movement that focuses on the “living body” as a place of mediation. His works often consist of movement practices that unfold in a choreographic dimension, where bodies are oriented and kept alive by a collective consciousness.
For several years Daniele has been involved in creative processes aimed at intersectional communities, sharing practices, and realising performances based on the concepts of cooperation and reciprocity. Since 2020, together with sociologist Mariella Popolla, he has been running the project “NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY. It’s ok not to be ok / Collective Experience”, a totally open process aimed at adolescents, which investigates the memories and traces left on the body by the culture of control, violence, and offence. Its aim is to replace rigid postures of defence and control with new postures that are fluid, permeable, and transparent.
During ON MOBILISATION Daniele’s artistic research “Healing Together” starts from a series of short choreographic actions called “silent protests” that he created during the lockdown periods and dedicated to the concept of ‘the body of protest’. A reflection on the sense of care, participation, listening and healing. Bodies are continuously restrained by cultural environments, they are territories colonised by control, violence, and offense; bodies are forced not to express vulnerability, which remains not observed and uncelebrated. The intention is to research a ‘a collective body speech’ which is self-generating in the present, as a form of protest.